Can. Am. Ch. Shillington Serendipity – 13"
Minnie wins winners and best of variety for a major to finish her American championship. Thanks Pam Campbell for handling Minnie to this win!
February, 2008

Minnie ended 2007 as Canada's #1 Beagle Puppy in 23 shows, earning:
5 Best Puppy in Shows
17 Best Puppy in Groups
2 Group Firsts
3 Group Seconds and
1 Group Third

Minnie achieved her championship with a Group 1st, 2 Group 2nds and 2
Best Puppy
in Shows at 8 months.

Here's Minnie with her 4-point major in her first show in the US at Old

Here's Minnie winning her class at the
Beagle National Specialty Show
in Aldee, Virginia.

Minnie winning Bred By Exhibitor Group 1st at the Pioneer Valley Kennel
Club Show
in Springfield, Massachusetts, April, 2008.

Minnie went on to win Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show at the same show.
Below, Minnie is enjoying the director's chair she won at the show.

Minnie at about 4 weeks of age.

Minnie playing with Jenny.
Click here for Minnie's pedigree.
Updated: January 31, 2023