Beagle Information

Beagles do not require excessive grooming. A good
brushing once or twice a week with a soft bristle brush will keep him
or her clean and healthy. Ears should be checked weekly to prevent any
wax buildup or infection from developing—clean them if necessary.
Toenails should be trimmed every two weeks, depending on how quickly
they wear down. You should bath your Beagle monthly to keep him or her
smelling fresh.
Beagles will bark when strangers arrive. Beagles in
general are not nuisance barkers. They can become prone to howling if
left alone for long periods of time—out of boredom. Beagles are
good with children. They love social interaction with people and other
Beagles are no harder to train than other dogs—the
secret is timing and consistency. In the majority of cases, crate training
is the most successful method.
We recommend taking your Beagle to obedience class.
Your Beagle will master basic manners such as sit, stay, come when called,
lay down and walk nicely on a lead. Beagles are intelligent and learn
very quickly. Please take the time to attend a class where a trainer will instruct you on how to walk your beagle properly.
Running Away:
Your beagle will not bolt out the door and run away any more than any other breed of dog. You do need to do some basic training with the dog though. Beagles who are not bred to hunt will not be as willing to "take off" as beagles whose job it is, to run and hunt. Do not leave your beagle outside unattended. Please take the time to train the dog to respond to your commands.
Updated: January 31, 2023